So this happend last week...
This was our pool day don't mind the minimal makeup. |
Still trying to get used to it, and learn how to style it but it feels so much better! This past week I had a week off of work, which I will refer to as my stay-cation which was nice. I had alot going on so I had a ton things to blog about so I decided to just lump it all into one when everything was said and done. I got to spend time with my kids. It was fantastic and I am so grateful for the extra time with them we had so much fun but I also discovered I can not be a SAHM (stay at home mother) I love them, but mama needs her time to herself. My mom and sister actually took off Thursday and Friday off of work so that we could all spend some extra time together. It was so much fun. I miss my sister living closer, but its times like these that I cherish the extra time I get with her. We went to breakfast and went swimming one day and then had a movie night, the next day we had some lunch and went shopping.
Friday was my husband and I's 5 year wedding anniversary. So we got a sitter and went out for dinner at Outback Steakhouse. I had a 4oz sirloin with grilled shrimp and a peach fizz drink. My husband had 2 whole loaves of the bread and then he had his favorite Alice Springs Chicken with a Pina Colada. After that we went to our local fair and spent some time together, walked around, got some deliciously sinful fried oreos (fried everything only happens once a year, embrace it!) and had a couple Bud lights. We ended up meeting up with my in-lawsand alot of my husbands family, and my best girl friends! We had originally planned on every 5 years of marriage we would throw a party and invite all of our friends and family to party and celebrate with us. Being that every year the fair falls on our anniversary, (last year it was just him and I though and we got to see one of my favorite bands Lynyrd Skynyrd in concert and it was amazing) I think we will always celebrate this way. I mean we have for the past couple years, why not make it a tradition?

It was a good week/weekend. August is going to be a busy month for me as it always has been, It is my mom's, dad's, sister's and my friends birthday this month and my soon to be new niece will also have her birthday this month because my sister in law is due this month! So many exciting things this month!
It's been a great 5 years. It hasn't been perfect and it hasn't been easy, but our love story is my favorite.
Happy 5 Year Anniversary Babe!