Friday, November 7, 2014

Moving along

I am feeling wonderful this week. I didn't consume any fast food all week, I didn't cosume one soda, and not because I wouldn't allow myself too, I just didn't want it. I stayed under my calorie goal and worked my butt off at exercising this week. I pushed myself and it felt really good. I'm not a runner, I don't aspire to be one, but for shits and giggles I decided to try to run for atleast 1 minute at a time every 10 minutes or so. I shocked myself when I pushed myself to run for 2 minutes straight. Then the next night I pushed myself further and ran for 3 minutes straight. It really made me super proud that I even shared it on FB which I didn't want to do, but I was so proud I couldn't help it. It's funny, I have the Timehop app and yesterday a status from last year came up it said, "Ok time to get real on this eating better and working out. When you start hating everything you wear and feel self concious every moment of everyday you have a problem. I'm over being a fatty." That was a year ago. At that time I was looking into purchasing T25 and I stuck with that for 3 months, but once I finished the program I started to dread doing it and got bored with it. I continued to eat whatever I wanted to eat. Luckily I've only gained back the 10lbs I lost, but sometimes I think, maybe if I had just stuck with it, I wouldn't still be where I am now again a year later. Seeing this kind of woke me up. Do I really want to waste another year in my 20's being overweight and unhappy with myself. Answer, no I do not. I feel really strong this week, and I wasn't really that miserble. I watched what I ate, tracked everything and pushed myself to move more. Honestly the worst part was the wait from lunch to dinner time. To help that I think I need to have a good snack in between to keep my hunger at bay.

On another note, I need to stop fat shaming myself. I do it all the time, and I know it's wrong, but sometimes I like to make light of my being overweight, it makes me feel better. It's just not a good thing to do, it's offensive to not only myself but to others who may be the same size as me or bigger. I was reading one of my new favorite bloggers Carly at Snack Therapy and her post called "This Body."  just hit me. Like really hit me. This girl, she just radiates awesome. Not only is she beautiful, but she's funny and just has this, "love yourself" attitude that I am envious of. We only have one life to live, there is no sense in spending it not being the way we want ourselves to be. I don't want to be miserable and hungry all the time, but I also don't want to be overweight. Somewhere in between there I need to find a happy medium. I don't aspire to be skinny, I like my curves.
(and so does my hubby!!!)
It was a wonderful week, I am hoping for another great week next week. This weekend will be spent cleaning, relaxing, and Gavin's last football game. I am totally sad I really enjoyed watching him play. It's also the big Bears VS Packers game this Sunday. Go BEARS! Tonight I will have my cheat meal, but I plan on trying to workout atleast one day this weekend.

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