I've noticed alot of blogs that I read regularly have been pretty quiet. I'm sure I've heard crickets chirp and tumbleweed roll by. I can't blame them. It's been kinda of like that with me and my blog as of lately. Except here, you wouldn't hear crickets. They would all be dead due to this frozen tundra weather we have been having this week. You would swear Queen Elsa the snow queen had been in town. I am getting excited for the holidays. This year will be amazing because Austin and I both work at jobs that are closed for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I've been christmas shopping and trying to keep the urge to put up my christmas stuff at bay.
This week was rough for me on the health side. I've had a sore throat and fever on and off all week, I think it is finally getting better thank goodness. Since I was sick I didn't work out this week. My body said no, so therefore I said no. I'm not even guilty or mad about it. My eating was pretty good this week so thats a plus.
Last week was my son's last football game of the season. He did really well this season. He worked hard, played harder, and really learned alot. I hope he plays again next year. I am so proud of him.
1st grade school picture.
( Not sure what this smile is! LOL)
We went to dinner at my sister-in-laws house on Monday, and Kynlee spent the day with her and Nariah while I was at work, she took some adorable pictures of the girls together.
Then when Gavin and I got there the first thing he wanted to do was hold his baby cousin!
Now it's time for another weekend thank goodness. It was a long week. (Just like I say every week haha!) And because no post is complete without pictures of both my sweethearts....
Paging Dr. Kynlee |
I love my kids!
P.S. Never change girlfriend, your silly faces are to die for and provide your brother and I many hours of laughter!
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