Gavin and Kynlee,
You two are better than I could of ever dreamed of. Both of you are so beautiful, smart, kind and loving. I sometimes wonder how I got so lucky to be your mother. I never seemed to make the right choices in life, but chosing to have you both were the two best decisions I have ever made in my life. You both are the greatest thing to ever happen to me, you are the best thing I have ever done or ever will do.
I try to be the best mother I can be. Sometimes it's hard. Someday you will understand when you have children of your own. I'm sorry if I become frustrated, if I don't give you my undivided attention sometimes when you need it. I'm sorry I have to say no to you even when I don't want to but know that I have to. Your happiness will always come first.
The pride I have for you kids is what keeps me going.
Your happiness keeps me going
The pride I have for you kids is what keeps me going.
Your happiness keeps me going
I give you my life, my everything. There isn't a single thing I wouldn't do for you, but somehow to me, it still isn't enough. I feel as though you deserve more than I am able to give. I work harder each day to provide you both with a good life, even if that means missing out on precious time with you being at work. I will always be your guardian and I vow to protect you for the rest of my life. I promise I will always be on your side and listen when you need me. Know you can always talk to me about anything, always, I will never judge you. Always reach for the stars never settle for anything or anybody. Always be yourself, do not change for anyone. Not for a girl, for a boy, for society not for anyone. You are perfect the way you are. Always defend those who cannot defend themselves.
Be kind.
Be kind.
When the world tries to run you down, which it will. People are mean, the world is a mean place, always keep your head held high. Never let anyone tell you you can't do something. Never let anyone make you question your worth.You matter. Never let anyone tell you you aren't beautiful because you are, inside and out. Always love each other. One day when dad and I are no longer on this earth you will only have each other. Stand up for each other, help each other.
Someday you will fall in love and when you do, never settle for less than you deserve.
You deserve the best.
You deserve the best.
Gavin- I hope you find a woman who is self-less, caring, loving, sweet, innocent and loves you more than the sun and the moon. A girl that is a true lady and is respectful to others, holds your hand, supports you, is nice to your mommy ALWAYS and lets you know each and everyday how handsome you are, these women become great mothers someday. Know that no woman is worth your tears. There are plenty of fish in the sea, don't settle for good enough. Don't be afraid to show your emotions and be affectionate.
Kynlee- I hope you find a man who is self-less, caring, loving, sweet, a gentleman and loves you more than the sun and the moon. A gentleman that opens doors for you, holds your hand, holds you tight, likes to cuddle, is nice to your daddy ALWAYS and lets you know everyday how beautiful you are, these men make great fathers someday. Know that no man is worth your tears. There are plenty of fish in the sea, don't settle for good enough. Love yourself. Beauty comes in all shapes in sizes. Be a strong, confident, independent woman.
No matter where life takes us, please know you will always be in my heart and I will always be in your hearts. I am proud of who you are and who you become. I love you will all of my heart forever and ever.
(for when you become know it all teenagers...)
1.Don't do drugs....period. Other kids will make you think it's cool. It's not cool, it's actually very stupid. Only losers do drugs. If there's anything you can trust me on it's this.
2. Never hesitate to call me if you've been drinking and need a ride home, I don't care what time it is. I will never be mad as long as you act responsibly and do not drink and drive, like ever...period.
3. Nothing in this world is ever that bad that you can't get through it, you can ask me for help always without judgement.
4. Don't ever think I don't know what you are going through or how you feel, I do. Been there done that.
5. Your life is valuable, you are not invincible, it will happen to you, so be careful.
6. Always drive responsibily, wear your seatbeat, no texting and drving.
7. I will always know where you are at...end of story.
8. Mama always knows best, again trust me.
9. I know all the tricks, don't try to fool me. Don't trick the trickster.
10. Repeat #8.
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