Well it happend. My child poked his eye out. Well he didn't poke it OUT, but he sure did scratch the hell out of it. Tuesday night we went to Maid Rite for dinner (one of Gavin's favorite places) and we got a mint milkshake to take home. Well as we got into the house I didn't realize he was still holding his shake and I went to tickle him from behind. Due to my tickles he moved his head down (he is very ticklish) and right onto the milkshakes straw. Ouch. I have never heard him scream or cry as much in his life as he did that night. I was scared, I felt bad, I didn't know if he should be seen or not. I ended up taking him to the ER and the doctor said yes that he had scratched his cornea and gave us some ointment to put into his eye. Gavin didn't want to open his eyes like at all. The next day, I went off to work early in the morning and had instructed Austin to put the medicine in his eye and see how he does. Gavin wouldn't let Austin put stuff in his eye and refused to open his eye. Gavin called me in tears that he wanted me to come home. I left work to go home, called him into school and went home to be with him and his sister. All day he kept his eyes closed, refused to open them, but let me put medicine in it. I asked him if it was feeling any better and he told me no, that it felt worse. I called his pediatrician and told them the whole story and that it wasn't feeling any better and they referred us to an eye care specialist and had an appointment that day to be seen.
At the eye care specialist, they looked into his eye again and showed me how scratched up it was in multiple lights. It was bad. I am so totally grossed out by eyes in general so this had me straight up sick. They cleaned off his eye with a Q-tip (super gross) and told me they were going to put a "bandage eye contact" in. I was nervous and apprehensive as I've never had to deal with contacts so I asked every question in the book, "Will is fall out", "Will it bother him", "Can it move", "How to I keep it from drying out". Everything. So they put in the contact and he had instant relief. I had relief as well. He was able to open and close his eyes light still made his eyes hurt. So they gave him a little pair of sunglasses and told us to keep the contact in for 5 days and come back to have it removed. They also gave us eye drops that have steriods and antibiotics in them to help with the irritation and to prevent infection he has to have these 3 times a day. Gavin is at home with his dad and sister again today being that light still bothers him and he occasionally has to keep his eye closed because it still bothers him, but he says it feels better. So I am really glad. I'm not sure if he will be ready to go back to school or not yet, we will see how tonight goes. However I am extremely sad, I asked the eye doctor if it was ok for him to go to flag football practice and his game, and we were told No, that he wouldn't recommend it. So therefore, sad mom, sad football player. Oh well, I'd rather him take the week off for it to completely heal versus risking more injury to his eye. I pray he feels better soon, and the scratch heals quickly. I felt like such a guilty mom. The night we went to the ER he made my mother come with because "she is nice, and that he was mad at me." In the waiting room I asked him a question and he said, "I'm not talking to right now", then later I said I am so sorry buddy and he said, "I do not accept your apology!" I was heartbroken. Here he is the sweetest little guy in the whole entire world and he was mad at me. I probably said sorry 786529 times in the past 48 hours. Poor kid. I'm pretty sure this is what he thought of me....
He's asked to see my mom everyday since the accident and called her at work to ask her to bring him ice...spoiled little grandmas boy. He also asked for ice cream during his visit at the eye doctor, in front of the eye doctor, (and who can say no in front of the doctor, not me.) So we went for ice cream before dinner. Awesome parenting, I know.
Here's my poor buddy attempting to watch TV |
And all the while his sister managed to come out unscathed from her brothers accident and she just wanted to act crazy and silly yesterday, here are some examples...
Brothers shoes, no pants and a hat |
Wearing her "Big" Papa's glasses |
Oh the life of a mother. Your duty is never over and your job is never done. Even when they are 26, believe me I know, I still keep my own mom on duty. Good thing
we they are so cute. Therefore your lesson for today and forever, do not tickle your children when they have a cup with a straw in their hands. Better yet do away with straws. I know I am. Who needs a BB gun to shoot their eye out, when a straw will poke it out just fine. Damn mint shake.
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